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5 Facts about legal services from Monks Law Firm
November 21, 2022 at 7:00 AM
Image of a gavel that often rules in favor of Monks Law Firm in Houston.

Monks Law Firm is Mike and Pat, brothers who grew up just blocks away from where we’ve practiced law for the past forty years. We know the people where we work and live and pride ourselves on not just offering legal services but providing honest, accessible advice and guidance to our clients. When facing legal issues in Houston, Monks Law Firm offers expertise to minimize the impact on your life.

1. We specialize in the expunction of criminal records

Everyone makes mistakes, but for some, those missteps come with legal consequences that can remain disruptive for years to come. Even if you’ve successfully completed probation and put your past behind you, it can feel like a record holds you back, whether you’re trying to rent an apartment or get a new job.

The only thing that provides a truly clean slate for your future is the expunction of your criminal records. Individuals can petition the courts independently, but it is a time-consuming and complicated process.

When you work with Monks Law Firm, we handle the legal nuances and follow-up to ensure the courts fully expunge your record. We give our clients the clean slate they deserve.

OKC law school courtroom

2. We have over 2500 dismissals or not-guilty verdicts for misdemeanor and felony charges

When individuals face criminal charges, whether misdemeanors or felonies, they may not realize how important experience is in choosing a lawyer. When dealing with the criminal court in Houston, we’ve helped clients to minimize the impact of criminal charges.

We’ve stood in court over two thousand times and secured either not-guilty verdicts or charge dismissals for our clients.

After you’re arrested or charged, reach out to us to get a confident defense in court.

3. We help clients get early termination of their probation

Choosing probation for a criminal offense can seem like a less disruptive way of moving past your legal issues. But as time goes on, the probation requirements can become a burden on your life and job for two years.

Probation requires a good relationship with your parole officer, paying fines, and completing classes on time.

Individuals can petition the court for early dismissal of their probation, and a judge makes the ultimate decision. At Monks, we offer candid advice about your chances of getting early termination of probation and help you through the process.

4. We reinstate suspended licenses and help clients get occupational licenses

There are many reasons licenses get suspended in Texas, which can happen to anyone. A single mistake can make it impossible to get to work or school, run errands, and spend time with family. If you’ve received a:

  • DWI or DUI
  • Traffic or speeding ticket
  • Warrant
  • Ticket for no insurance
  • Red light ticket

We help drivers stay on the road, either by reinstating their licenses or getting them an occupational license so they can get to the places they need, including work, school, and errands. A mistake on the road doesn’t have to disrupt your entire life––we’ll get you driving so you can get on with your life.

5. We help clients get the compensation they deserve after personal injuries

After a car accident, you need compensation to pay for medical bills, your rent or mortgage, and your bills and necessities while you’re unable to work. Dealing with insurance companies is an added stress you don’t need.

At Monks, we understand the stress and uncertainty following an injury. That’s why we help eliminate the hassle of getting compensation while also recovering.

Get experienced, dedicated legal support from the attorney’s Houston trusts with Monks Law Firm.

When you’re dealing with legal issues, whether it’s a misdemeanor or felony charges, traffic infractions, or personal injury, you need someone with decades of experience to help. When you’re on your own, it’s hard to know the process of the court, let alone your options.

Don’t just take a plea deal because it seems like the most affordable and least disruptive option. Whenever you face any legal challenge, contact a defense attorney who can offer you candid, expert advice and guidance.

We’re the lawyers Houston trusts, helping people to put their mistakes behind them and move on with their lives. Need help? Reach out for a consultation with Monks Law Firm.

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